No Nama NIDN Jenis Karya Ilmiah Judul Karya
1 Amini 0115067101 Jurnal Internasional The Development of Character Education Model Trough an Integrated Curriculum at Elementary Education Level in Medan City International Journal on Language, Research and Education Studies (IJLRES) 2017/2018
2 Arifin Saleh 00030017402 Jurnal Internasional CSR Model of PT Agincourt Resources For Empowerment and Regional Development in Batangtoru, South Tapanuli, Indonesia 2017/2018
3 Bambang Panca Syahputra 0117017901 Jurnal Internasional Study of the Interpreting Techniques used by the Tourist Guides in The Tourism Attractions of North Sumatra International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies 2017/2018
4 Dafni Mawar Tarigan 7067109 Jurnal Internasional Morphological Response of Wheat Genotypes at Different Altitudes in Karo Highland Sumatera Utara International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 2017/2018
5 Dedi Amrizal 0110097201 Jurnal Internasional The Recruitment and Placement of Civil Servants Based on Position, Volume and Workload, Medan, Indonesia IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2017/2018
6 Desi Ardilla 120096702 Jurnal Internasional Determination of Phenol Content of Liquid Smoke of Palm Oil Shell=Characterization by Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectra and Fourier Transformed Infra Red Chemistry And Material Research 2017/2018
7 Dewi Andriany, SE.,MM 0123086901 Jurnal Internasional Marketing Model in Developing the Potential SMEs Based on SWOT Analysis 2017/2018
8 Dewi Andriany 0123086901 Jurnal Internasional Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility to the development of SME’s International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017/2018
9 Dewi Kesuma Nasution 0106087503 Jurnal Internasional Borrowing Technique in the Translation of Incantation Texts of Sea Offerings Researchers World. Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce 2017/2018
Diani Syahputri 0103066502 Jurnal Internasional Improving the Students’ ability in speaking by using role playing method in the drama lesson of english department at 2015/2016 academic years International Journal on Language, Research and Education Studies (IJLRES) 2017/2018
11 Dr. Cakra Arbas, SH.I, MH Jurnal Internasional Minimizing Corruption by Optimizing the Privilege of Aceh Asia Pacific Fraud Journal 2017/2018
12 Dr.Amini,M.Pd Jurnal Internasional Teacher and Education of Character Instillation IJLRES 2017/2018
13 Dr.dr.Nurfadly,M.KT Jurnal Internasional Role of Soluble Heat Shock Protein 70 in Severity of Dengue Infection International Journal of Medical Science and innovative Reseach 2017/2018
14 EKA N.A.M. SIHOMBING Jurnal Internasional Problematics Implementation of Interruption Permission in the Regions IJHSSI 2017/2018
15 Ellis Mardiana Panggabean 0002016702 Jurnal Internasional MASTER-Assissted Concept Map Strategy in Increasing Activity and Student Learning Outcomes of Mathematics Education, Program in Analytical Geometry Courses (Case Study at Faculty of Educaton and Teacher Training UMSU) The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 2017/2018
16 Eka Nurmala Sari 112117301 Jurnal Internasional Acounting Practices Effectiveness and Good Governance: Mediating Effect of Accounting Information Quality in Municipal Office of Medan City, Indonesia Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 2017/2018
17 Elizar Sinambela, SE.,M.Si 0104037401 Jurnal Internasional Model Development Productive Revolving Loan for Small and Medium Enterprises in Baznas North Sumatra Internasional Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017/2018
18 Fajar Pasaribu 103077402 Jurnal Internasional The Effect of Organizational Culture on Career Planning and Its Impact to Work Motivation and Employees Performance International Journal of Management Sciences and Bussiness Research 2017/2018
19 Fajar Pasaribu 103077402 Jurnal Internasional The Situational Leadership Behavior, Organizational Culture and Human Resources Management Strategy in Increasing Productivity of Private Training Institutions International Foundation for Research And Development 2017/2018
20 Fajar Pasaribu, Dr.,SE.,M.Si 0103077402 Jurnal Internasional The Struggle of Shariah Investment Challenges in Indonesia 2017/2018
21 Fajar Pasaribu 0103077402 Jurnal Internasional The Role of Compensation As A Mediator of The Influence of Leadership Training and Technical Training on The Performance of North Sumatera Covernment Officials International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research (IJABER) 2017/2018
22 Fahrizal Zulkarnain 0127047505 Jurnal Internasional The Potential Usgae Paper Fiber Reinforced Foam Concrete (PFRFC) Wall Paneling System As An Idea Building Material 2017/2018
23 Fahrizal Zulkarnain 0127047505 Jurnal Internasional Development of K-300 Concrete Mix for Earthquake-Resistant Housing Infrastructure In Indonesia International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) 2017/2018
24 Fatimah Sari Siregar Jurnal Internasional Comics Legend of North Sumatera as a Creative and Innovative Students’ Business Opprtunities International journal of Management, Accounting and Economics (IJMAE) 2017/2018
25 Fitriani Saragih, SE.,M.Si 0108087902 Jurnal Internasional Development of Cooperative Learning Model for Introduction to Accounting Subject in Islamic Private Public University in Medan City International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017/2018
26 Hafsah 0125046501 Jurnal Internasional Emotional Question Versus Intelligence Question and Interest Learning as a Moderating Variable (A Case Study of Computerized Accounting Learning in the Faculty of Economics) International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017/2018
27 Henny Zurika Lubis 0111117802 Jurnal Internasional Accounting Learning Mapping Based on Individual Characteristics University Students in Medan City International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017/2018
28 Henny Zurika Lubis, SE.,M.Si 0111117802 Jurnal Internasional The Improvement of Student Creativity in Entreprenereurial Subject Through Think, Write, And Talk Model The International Journal of Social And Humanities Invention 2017/2018
29 Ida Nadirah 0030116606 Jurnal Internasional Composition Bankruptcy As Realization Principles of Balance Between Debitors An Creditors South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law 2017/2018
30 Ijah Mulyani 0119096401 Jurnal Internasional Development on Tutorial Model of Macro Media Flash Program in Preparing Financial Statement Journal of Education and Practice 2017/2018
31 Irvan 0117117301 Jurnal Internasional An Optimization Model For Sustainable Energy Scheduling Planning 2017/2018
32 Indra Prasetia, S.Pd.,M.Si 0119127501 Jurnal Internasional Analysis of the Effectiveness of Schools (a Study At State Junior High Schools In Medan, Indonesia) 2017/2018
33 Isnina 0116077202 Jurnal Internasional The Understanding of Islamic Inheritance Law in Improving the Muhammadiyah’s Awareness on Social Law Based on Gender, Medan, Indonesia IOSR-JHSS (International Organization of Scientific Research 2017/2018
34 Isnina 0116077203 Jurnal Internasional The Awareness Of Islamic Inheritance Law In Muhammadiyah GroupsAtMedan City Journal Of Community Research And Service 2017/2018
35 Januri 0109086502 Jurnal Internasional The Analysis of the Bankruptcy Potential Comparative by Altman Z-Score, Springate And Zmijewski Methods at Cement Companies Listed In Indonesia Stock Exchange IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) 2017/2018
36 Jasman Saripuddin Hasibuan 0117016601 Jurnal Internasional New Paradigm Concept of Economic Growth In Islamic Perspective International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017/2018
37 Jufrizen 0105087402 Jurnal Internasional The Effect of Compensation, Organizational Culture and Islamic Work Ethic Towards the Job Satisfaction and the Impact on the Permanent Lecturers International Business Management 2017/2018
38 Julita 0130067402 Jurnal Internasional Development of Porter Generic  Strategy Model for Small And Medium Entreprises (SME’s) In Dealing with Asean Economic Community (AEC) International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017/2018
39 Julita, SE.,M.Si 0130067402 Jurnal Internasional Porter Generic Model Strategy for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMs) in Dealing with ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) – (Case Study Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra-Indonesia) 2017/2018
40 Lila Bismala 0117057601 Jurnal Internasional Core Competency Factors and SME’s Competitive Strategy International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017/2018
41 Maya Sari 0106077703 Jurnal Internasional Performance of SOE’s Company in Medan City (a Perspective of Corporate Governance in Context Internal Control And Manager Behavior International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017/2018
42 Muhammad Arifin, Dr, SH.,M.Hum 0013015702 Jurnal Internasional Islamic Arbitration 2017/2018
43 Muhammad Arifin, Dr, SH.,M.Hum 0013015702 Jurnal Internasional Amicable As The Principal Mission In a Dispute Resolution Through Sharia Arbitration 2017/2018
44 Mhd. Buchari Sibuea 0004116503 Jurnal Internasional Modeling of Cooperation To Improve Rural Economic in Langkat 2017/2018
45 M. Said Siregar 27117002 Jurnal Internasional Grafting of Maleic Anhydride onto Cyclized Natural Rubber by Reactive Processing: the Effect of Time and Rotor Speeds Chemistry And Material Research 2017/2018
46 Mohammad Yusri 0104126002 Jurnal Internasional Program Priorities Local Economic Development Through Creative Industries Household Based in Realizing Sustainable Development of the Region 2017/2018
47 Muhammad Elfi Azhar 0120105702 Jurnal Internasional The Analysis of the Tourist Loyalty Determinant in the Area of Toba Lake International Jounal of Recent Scientific Research 2017/2018
48 Muhammad Fitra Zambak 0127058701 Jurnal Internasional Wireless Power for Mobile Battery Charger Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 2017/2018
49 Muis Fauzi Rambe 0115035701 Jurnal Internasional The Influence of Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Current Ratio, Firm Size and Assets Structure on Capital Structure of Mining Companies That are Registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 2017/2018
50 Mujahiddin 0128088902 Jurnal Internasional The Benefit of Waste Bank for Poor Families in Sicanang Belawan, Medan IOSR Journals (International Organization of Scientific Research 2017/2018
51 Nel Arianty 0126017702 Jurnal Internasional Model of Household Industrial Business Development to Increase Family Income Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management 2017/2018
52 Nurfadly, Dr.,dr.,M.KT 0012097003 Jurnal Internasional Soluble Fas Ligand as a Potential Marker of Severity of Dengue Infection Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2017/2018
53 Pandapotan Ritonga Jurnal Internasional The Development and Learning Model of Introduction To Accounting Course on KKNI-Based and Utilization of Document Content IOSR Journal 2017/2018
54 Rahmad Bahagia 0108126001 Jurnal Internasional Effect of work Environment and Organization culture to work Satisfaction in PT. Sarana Agro Nusantara Medan Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management 2017/2018
55 Rakhmad Arief Siregar 0111057402 Jurnal Internasional Design and Development of Injection Moulding machine for manufacturing laboratory IOP Conf. Series : Journal of Physics 2017/2018
56 Raihanah Daulay 0126097001 Jurnal Internasional Characteristics Mapping and Evaluation of SMEs in Medan City 2017/2018
57 Ramlan 0105057105 Jurnal Internasional The Concept of Jihad In Islam 2017/2018
58 Rohana 0104027601 Jurnal Internasional Wireless Power for Mobile Battery Charger Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 2017/2018
59 Sjahril Effendy P 0117075001 Jurnal Internasional Changes in joint venture company check system clean water sector in north sumatera to community service for improvement 2017/2018
60 Shahrul Rahman 0118067303 Jurnal Internasional Overview Polymorphism Gen LOX-1 3’UTR188C/T in Medan 2017/2018
61 Syahrul Rahman 118067303 Jurnal Internasional The Comparison of Adipunectin Level Between Metabolic Syndrome Patient and Naïve Type 2 Diabetic Patient Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Health Care 2017/2018
62 Siti Mujiatun, SE.,MM 0115086103 Jurnal Internasional Improving Second Semester Students’ Learning Outcomes in Sharia Business Course Through the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Model Think Pair Share (TPS) in The Faculty of Economics Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra 2017/2018
63 Siti Mujiatun 0115086103 Jurnal Internasional An Analysis of Locus of Control on Employee Performance and In Islamic Perspective (Case Study of PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri CFBC Medan) IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2017/2018
64 Siti Mujiatun 0115086104 Jurnal Internasional The Constraints of Management of Zakat and Its Potensials In Poverty Reduction (Case Study Medan CIty) Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 2017/2018
65 Syafrida Hani 0106107301 Jurnal Internasional Good Corporate Governance Mechanisms in Measuring Quality of Financial Statements and Transfer Investor Levels International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017/2018
66 Syamsuyurnita Jurnal Internasional The Design of Management System Through Using Total Quality Education Service at Some Schools in Medan IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) 2017/2018
67 WAN ARFIANI BARUS Jurnal Internasional study of nutrient uptake in some varieties of rice by foliar application of potassium phosphate fertilizer on saline soil international journal of scientific & technology research 2017/2018
68 Widia Astuty 1017037702 Jurnal Internasional The Effect of Manager’s Knowledge of the Availability of Management Way to Control as an Intervening Variable International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research (IJABER) 2017/2018
69 Widya Astuty 1017037702 Jurnal Internasional An Analysis of The Effect on Application of Management AccountingInformation Systems and Quality Management Accounting Information International Foundation for Research And Development 2017/2018
70 Widya Masitah Jurnal Internasional Impact of habituation methods on children moral and social emotional development Scholar Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2017/2018
71 Yan Hendra 0121106803 Jurnal Internasional The Influence of Family Communications on Islamic Communication Ethic at Junior High School in Medan City, North Sumatera, Indonesia IOSR Journals (International Organization of Scientific Research) 2017/2018
72 Zainal Azis 0113126301 Jurnal Internasional Time Dependent Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem for Catering Service Delivery Problem Journal of Physics 2017/2018
73 Zulia Hanum 0103037502 Jurnal Internasional Problem Based Learning (PBL) To Increase Activity And Student Learning Achievement in The Taxation Subject International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017/2018
74 Zulia Hanum 0103037502 Jurnal Internasional Model Development of Tax Accounting with Tax Computer Program Journal of Education and Practise 2017/2018
75 Zulia Hanum 0103037502 Jurnal Internasional Model Development of Tax Accounting with Tax Computer Program Journal of Education and Practise 2017/2018
76 Abrar
Jurnal Internasional Communicatio
n Patterns In The Village Head Realising Village Autonomy
77 Abrar
Jurnal Internasional Komunikasi
Pencegahan Bahaya Penyalahgunaa n Narkoba
Bagi Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Medan
The International Conference and Call for Paper SILAT APIK PTM
78 Ade Gunawa n 010508
Jurnal Internasional Analysis on Factors Influencing Students Financial Literacy The 7 ᵗʱ AIC-
Sosial Sciences, The Annual International Conference
2017 Syiah Kuala University
79 Adi
Jurnal Internasional The
Reconstruction of Legal Aid Law for Children who get conflict with law in
The 2nd Proceeding “Indonesia Clean of Corruption in
80 Jurnal Internasional process of
justification for children based on the value of Pancasila
81 Ahmad
Jurnal Internasional Development
of Geographical Indications for Primary Commodities In Relation To Economic Improvement
International Conference On The Three Pillars of ASEAN Community Development 2017/2018
82 Aisar
Jurnal Internasional Effects of
Plant Hormones Interaction Under Salt Stress on
Growth of
Roselle ( Hibiscus Sabdariffal)
Conference On Sustainable Agriculture And Natural
83 Aisyiyah
Jurnal Internasional Pengaruh
Metode Sosiodrama Terhadap keterampilan berbicara mahasiswa pendidikan bahasa dan sastra indonesia FKIP UMSU
Seminar Antarbangsa Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastera dan Budaya Melayu 2017 2017/2018
84 Aisiyah
Aztry,M. Pd
Jurnal Internasional Values In
85 Jurnal Internasional Teaching 2017/2018
86 Pirman
Jurnal Internasional Educator’s
Language Politeness as a role model and learning media implementatio n in
developing students’ learning achievemen