No | Nama | NIDN | Jenis Karya Ilmiah | Judul Karya Ilmiah |
Nama Jurnal/Forum /Penerbit |
Tahun |
1 | Wan Arfiani Barus | 000608 6803 |
Jurnal Internasional | Physiological Characteristics in Some Varieties of Rice by Foliar Application of Potassium Phosphate Under Salt Stress |
International Conference On Sustainable Agriculture And Natural Resources Management (ICoSAaNRM 2017) |
2015/2016 |
2 | Zulia Hanum |
010303 7502 |
Jurnal Internasional | Development of Tax Accounting At Islamic Universities In North Sumatera |
3 ʳᵈ SEABC 2017 (Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting and Business Conference) |
2015/2016 |
3 | Hasrudy Tanjung |
011812 7401 |
Jurnal Internasional | Becoming Emotionally Attached To Team : The Role of Ethical Climate Dimension in Nursing Profession |
2015/2016 | |
4 | Hastina Febriaty |
012202 8602 |
Jurnal Internasional | The Effect of Grdp of Agricultural Sector, Distribution of Agricultural Credit And Exchange Rate Rp/Usd On Export of Agricultural Sector In North Sumatera |
The 1 ˢᵗ UNICEB 2017 |
2015/2016 |
5 | Hazman an Khair | 160575 11 |
Jurnal Internasional | Effect of The Country Image (Islamic Country) to Influence Indonesian Towards Medical Tourism to Malaysia Hospital |
The 8th International Workshop on Islamic Development |
2015/2016 |
6 | Hendra Sutysna |
109048 203 |
Jurnal Internasional | Application Methods Habituation The 9 Golden Habbits To Create A Muhammadiya h Doctor That Have Muslim Doctor Truthfully Character |
The 8th International Workshop on Islamic Development |
2015/2016 |
7 | Herry Wahyudi |
010108 8204 |
Jurnal Internasional | Influence of Services Tax Authorities and Tax Sanctions on Comliance Taxpayers at tax office west medan |
2015/2016 | |
8 | Herry Wahyudi |
010108 8204 |
Jurnal Internasional | Effect of Turnover of Working Capital, Total Asset Turnover And Receivables Turnover On Return On Asset |
3 ʳᵈ SEABC 2017 (Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting and Business Conference) |
2015/2016 |
9 | Hotma Siregar |
010212 6801 |
Jurnal Internasional | Children Rights in Islamic Low Perspective | (The 11th ingraw 2016) ISDEV International Graduate Workshop |
2015/2016 |
10 | Ijah Mulyani Sihotang | 011909 6401 |
Jurnal Internasional | Using Learning Media in improving students’ Learning Indenpendenc y and Motivation |
2015/2016 | |
11 | Imelda Darmaya nti Manurun g | 000709 8102 |
Jurnal Internasional | Project Based Learning Technique on the Students’ Listening Achievement |
2015/2016 | |
12 | Murvian a Koto | 010110 8205 |
Jurnal Internasional | The Financial Literacy of Students and Investment Decisions in the Indonesia |
The 7 ᵗʱ AIC- ICMR on Sosial Sciences, The Annual International |
2015/2016 |
13 | Ira Apriyant i | 011204 8202 |
Jurnal Internasional | Efficiency of Marketing Distribution of Palm Oil in Sub District of Selesai Regency of Langkat |
The first Conference Technology on Biosciences and Social Sciences 2016 | 2015/2016 |
14 | Ira Apriyant i | 011204 8202 |
Jurnal Internasional | Financial Feasibility Analysis of Waste Processing Palm Oil Trunk to Compost | International Conference On Sustainable Agriculture And Natural Resources Management (ICoSAaNRM 2017) |
2015/2016 |
15 | Irna Syofia |
001011 5904 |
Jurnal Internasional | Test of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus Bioinsextiside s on Some Pets of Sugar Cane Plants in Laboratory |
International Conference On Sustainable Agriculture And Natural Resources Management (ICoSAaNRM 2017) |
2015/2016 |
16 | Isna Ardila |
010104 7902 |
Jurnal Internasional | Enviromental Performance Of Manufactory Companies And Its Effect On Financial Performance |
The 1 ˢᵗ UNICEB 2017 |
2015/2016 |
17 | Isnina | 011607 7202 |
Jurnal Internasional | The Awareness of Islamic Inheritance Law in Muhammadiya h Groups at Medan City | The 1 ˢᵗ International Conference On Community Research And Service Engagements “Internationali zation of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) : Challeners and Prospects”. |
2015/2016 |
18 | Muham mad Andi Prayogi | 012308 8201 |
Jurnal Internasional | Influence of The Quality Service On Customer Loyalty Banking | 3 ʳᵈ SEABC 2017 (Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting and Business Conference) Fakultas Ekonomi- Universitas Sriwijaya |
2015/2016 |
19 | Syaiful Bahri |
Jurnal Internasional | Analysis of the Online Payment Point System of Banking to Customer Satisfaction in PDAM Tirtanadi Branch Medan Sunggal |
The 7 ᵗʱ AIC- ICMR on Sosial Sciences, The Annual International Conference 2017 Syiah Kuala University |
2015/2016 | |
20 | Irvan | 117117 301 |
Jurnal Internasional | Sustainable Energy Planning under |
International Seminar on Operation Research |
2015/2016 |
21 | Jurnal Internasional | Uncertainly | 2015/2016 | |||
22 | Januri | 010908 6502 |
Jurnal Internasional | Analysis of Calculation And Accounting of Income Tax Accounting Article 21 For Civilians Employees’ Staff in the Regional Office of Simalungun District |
3 ʳᵈ SEABC 2017 (Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting and Business Conference) |
2015/2016 |
23 | Jasman Saripudd in Hasibua n |
011701 6601 |
Jurnal Internasional | Influnce of Sales Price And Sales Promotion On Purchase Decision in PT. Mestika Mandiri Medan |
3 ʳᵈ SEABC 2017 (Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting and Business Conference) |
2015/2016 |
24 | Jasman Saripudd in Hasibua n |
011701 6602 |
Jurnal Internasional | Introduction to Business Development of Teaching Materials with Business Planning |
The 3 ʳᵈ International Conference on Management Sciences 2017 | 2015/2016 |
25 | Jasman Sarifuddi n Hasibua n, SE.,M.Si |
011701 6501 |
Jurnal Internasional | Exploration Concept of Economic Growth in Thinking Islamic Scholars |
2015/2016 | |
26 | Jufrizen | 010508 7402 |
Jurnal Internasional | The Influence of Motivation And Work Dicipline Toward Performance Employees |
3 ʳᵈ SEABC 2017 (Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting and Business Conference) |
2015/2016 |
27 | Jufrizen, Dr.,SE., M.Si | 010508 7402 |
Jurnal Internasional | The Development of the work ethics based on islamic on the private universities in Medan |
2015/2016 | |
28 | Juita Rahmad ani Manik | 010205 87 |
Jurnal Internasional | Analysis of Farming Gambir (Uncariagambi er Roxb) Big Mountain Village, District of Upstream Siempat Nempu Dairi District |
International Conference On Sustainable Agriculture And Natural Resources Management (ICoSAaNRM 2017) |
2015/2016 |
29 | Julita | 013006 7402 |
Jurnal Internasional | Advantages Compete SME By using Five Force Porter In Dealing With Asean Economic Society |
3 ʳᵈ SEABC 2017 (Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting and Business Conference) |
2015/2016 |
30 | Julita, SE.,M.Si | 013006 7402 |
Jurnal Internasional | Porter’s Five Force Model For Superiority of Micro Small |
2015/2016 | |
31 | Jurnal Internasional | and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) in Face The Asean Economic Community (MEA) |
2015/2016 | |||
32 | Ratna Sari Dewi, SS.,MA | 012302 7602 |
Jurnal Internasional | The Improvement of Learning Through Learning Strategies Think-Talk- Write on the Course Materials And Curriculum Development |
2015/2016 | |
33 | Yayuk Hayulina Manurun g | 013112 8101 |
Jurnal Internasional | The Effect of Eclictic Method on Students’ Speaking Skill | Seminar Antarbangsa Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastera dan Budaya Melayu 2017 |
2015/2016 |
34 | Yayuk Hayulina Manurun g | 013112 8101 |
Jurnal Internasional | Cultural Literacy (Descriptive Study Of Cultural Literacy In English Department Of UMSU) |
International Conference on Language, Literature and Teaching (ICoLLIT) | 2015/2016 |
35 | Khairil, S.Pd.,M. Hum | 010503 5901 |
Jurnal Internasional | The Use of Modalities in Business Column of The Jakarta Post |
2015/2016 | |
36 | Khairun nisa Rangkuti | 011609 7101 |
Jurnal Internasional | The Impact of Rising Soybean Prices to Tofu |
The first Conference Technology on Biosciences |
2015/2016 |
37 | Jurnal Internasional | Industry Small Scale in Medan |
and Social Sciences 2016 |
2015/2016 | ||
38 | Khairun nisa Rangkuti | 011609 7101 |
Jurnal Internasional | The Strategy of Development Organic Vegetable (Case Study : kelompok tani serasi kelurahan gedung Johor Kecamatan Medan Johor Medan) |
International Conference On Sustainable Agriculture And Natural Resources Management (ICoSAaNRM 2017) |
2015/2016 |
39 | Lila Bismala |
011705 7601 |
Jurnal Internasional | Improving Competitivene ss Strategy for SME’s Through Optimization Human Resources Management Function |
The 7 ᵗʱ AIC- ICMR on Sosial Sciences, The Annual International Conference 2017 Syiah Kuala University |
2015/2016 |
40 | Lila Bismala |
117057 601 |
Jurnal Internasional | Reconstructing Leadership Characteristic in Islamic Perspective |
The 8th International Workshop on Islamic Development |
2015/2016 |
41 | Linzzy Pratami Putri | 012909 8001 |
Jurnal Internasional | The Effect of Profitability And Ownership Structure of Share Performance In Property |
The 1 ˢᵗ UNICEB 2017 |
2015/2016 |
42 | Jurnal Internasional | Company And Real Estate In Indonesia |
2015/2016 | |||
43 | Mandra Saragih, M.Hum | 012412 8401 |
Jurnal Internasional | Students’ Error in Listening Achievement Through Dictation |
2015/2016 | |
44 | Masyhur a MD | 010806 7301 |
Jurnal Internasional | Increase Moringa Leaf Powder and Long Roasting on Protein Content in the Making of Cookies from Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) |
The first Conference Technology on Biosciences and Social Sciences 2016 |
2015/2016 |
45 | Masyhur a MD | 010806 7301 |
Jurnal Internasional | Additions Green Betel Leaf Extract (Piper Betle L) as Preservatives Natural Beef Meatballs |
International Conference On Sustainable Agriculture And Natural Resources Management (ICoSAaNRM 2017) |
2015/2016 |
46 | Radiman | 010708 7801 |
Jurnal Internasional | Analysis Factors of Student Loyalty | 3 ʳᵈ SEABC 2017 (Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting and Business Conference) |
2015/2016 |